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Понедельник, 03 Мар 2025

Study Options for International Students

Your first option is to study at a public university in the Czech language, - free of charge

The Czech Republic is very proud of its education system, which allows students obtain public university education free of charge. This applies to programs in the Czech language. So, any student, both Czech and foreigner, who successfully passed entrance exams held in the Czech language, is eligible to study free of charge at the public universities in the Czech language.

If you are a student, whose Czech language skills do not meet the university required level, you might be interested to undertake the Czech language courses. You may undertake a Czech language program - a year or a half year study program, according to your needs. There are few study programs that combine Czech language program and preparatory courses for entrance examinations for some popular fields of studies, such as economics, political science, management, law, etc. as well. In the end, it is up to you to get admission at the university of your choice!



Study free of charge in the Czech language


Cost of the language program may be higher comparing to a full year tuition fee at the private university

No guarantee to get admission at the public university

Your second option is to study at a Czech private university or Czech public university in English

There are several Czech public and private universities in the Czech Republic offering accredited educational programs in English. Usually, those programs are not free of charge and a tuition fee is applicable. Ordinarily, the admission procedure is easier. Some universities require successful completion of the entrance exams. Many universities evaluate your documents, such as high school grades, GMAT/GRE/TOEFL score and invite you for an interview (only in some cases) and do not require entrance examination.


Easy admission process to the Czech university (public or private)

International experience while studying with students from around the globe


Tuition fee is applicable for your studies

Furthermore, the Czech employment market does not differentiate between graduates of private and public colleges. All graduates have the same opportunity of employment regardless of which school they received their diploma from.

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Подай заявку в ВУЗ с нашей помощью и получи бонусы и привилегии на обучение. Получи консультацию о высшем образовании в Чехии!!!

  • Получи самую актуальную информацию о программах обучения, условиях поступления и сроках подачи документов в ВУЗ
  • Получи профессиональную помощь в выборе престижного ВУЗА и качественной программы обучения
  • Получи возможность на участие в конкурсе на стипендию
  • Получи нашу программу "Добро пожаловать" в качестве бонуса


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Подай заявку с нами

Подай заявку в ВУЗ с нашей помощью и получи бонусы и привилегии на обучение. Получи консультацию о высшем образовании в Чехии!!!

  • Получи самую актуальную информацию о программах обучения, условиях поступления и сроках подачи документов в ВУЗ
  • Получи профессиональную помощь в выборе престижного ВУЗА и качественной программы обучения
  • Получи возможность на участие в конкурсе на стипендию
  • Получи нашу программу "Добро пожаловать" в качестве бонуса
